SUNY GCC - 十大正规赌博平台大全



自1985年成立以来,这个简单的信念一直指导着杰纳西社区学院基金会. 通过结合志愿者的努力, 金融支持, 以及忠诚的人们的热情, we help Genesee 社区 College and many hundreds of students every year.

By building and strengthening Genesee 社区 College, 并投资于今天学生的生活, we secure a bright future for our communities and for generations to come.


  • 卓越. We recognize and encourage academic success at Genesee 社区 College, and provide 金融支持 for our community’s academically talented students.
  • 访问. We help provide a Genesee 社区 College education to all Genesee, 利文斯顿, 奥尔良, 怀俄明县的学生面临着经济和个人困难,这不是他们自己的过错.
  • 活力. 我们促进对本地区商业和工业经济增长至关重要的领域的研究.
  • 参与. 我们为校友,利益相关者和社区参与学院提供途径.
  • 资本. 我们帮助提供资金资源,为学生提供优质的教育和服务.



  • Receives funds through our volunteer-driven annual fund raising campaign, 特别筹款活动, and thoughtfully-planned bequests and deferred gifts.
  • 管理 Donor-Designated基金 (more than 150 of them) through a rigorous 投资ment program.
  • Provides careful Stewardship of all funds entrusted to us, and ongoing communication with our supporters and community about our work.
  • 熟练地管理基金会拥有的财产和基金会资助的学生服务, 包括大学村, 学生宿舍.
  • Disburses funds through a thoughtful planning and grant-making process.
  • 激发慷慨和志愿精神.


  • 为杰纳西社区学院、我们的学生、我们众多的支持者和我们的社区服务
  • 慷慨的时间,才能,和宝藏
  • 公民的最高理想
  • Commitment to our neighbors, our communities, and future generations
  • Belief in the power of every person to make a difference

The Genesee 社区 College 基金会 is a 纽约 State charitable corporation, 对基金会的捐款在联邦和州法律的最大范围内免税.

基金会的组织是为了接受, 投资, 管理, and disburse your gifts in the most effective and meaningful way possible.


Are my contributions to the Genesee 社区 College 基金会 tax-deductible?

是的. 对基金会的捐款可以在联邦和州法律允许的最大范围内扣除.


The mission of the 基金会 is to raise the level of instruction in the classroom by attracting excellent students; to provide access to higher education by worthy and deserving students who demonstrate financial need; to encourage students from our region to remain in the local workforce; and to promote community involvement in the life of the College.

The College provides the basics (and more) through its operating budget. 但基金会的长远目标只有通过热情的志愿者和公民和商业领袖的财政支持才能实现, 教职员工, 校友, 和学院的朋友们.

What is the 基金会’s relationship to the College?

该基金会是杰纳西社区学院的官方筹款和接受礼物的机构. 社区, 业务, 以及来自佐治亚州的公民志愿者, 利文斯顿, 奥尔良, and Wyoming counties comprise the 基金会’s 董事会. The Board governs the 基金会 and sets its policies. The 基金会, established in 1985, is a not-for-profit corporation.


是的. 我们经常收到与学院有关的人的家人和朋友的纪念礼物. 赠礼收据会寄给捐赠人,死者家属也会收到收到礼物的回执.

我的雇主匹配慈善捐赠. How can I make a gift to the GCC基金会 and have it matched?

If your employer (or your spouse’s employer) offers a matching gift program, your gift to the 基金会 can be doubled or even tripled. Obtain a matching gift form from your human resources office, 完成你的部分, 连同你的捐款一起寄给基金会. We’ll complete the remainder of the form and obtain the matching gift.

What is the difference between a “designated” and a “non-designated” gift?

非指定(或无限制)捐赠满足学院董事会确定的奖学金和其他项目需求. 然而, many donors wish to direct their gifts toward a particular need, 例如支持来自特定社区或特定研究领域的学生. 这些指定的(或限制的)捐赠仅用于捐赠人指定的目的. The 基金会 holds more than 150 Donor-Designated基金.


这很简单. 一位基金会工作人员将会问你一些网上赌搏平台网址大全基金的基本问题-它的名称, 目的, 基金拨款的准则, 以及如何以及何时建立——然后准备一份一到两页的协议,供你审阅和签署.

What is the ratio of 基金会 fund raising expenses to total contributions?

Over the last five years, our supporters generously contributed $6,591,016. Our direct fund raising expenses for that period totaled $892,214, or 13.总供款的5%.

What is Genesee 社区 College 基金会 Housing Services?

Genesee 社区 College 基金会 Housing Services, Inc. 是一个附属的非营利公司,代表基金会和学院持有和管理房地产. 该公司拥有2001年8月获得的学生宿舍College Village的所有权.

The legal title is The Genesee 社区 College 基金会, Inc. Your attorney can provide the specific language necessary to 建立遗产 根据你的意愿. We can also help you or your attorney with the wording; this is especially important if you plan to direct your bequest to a specific designated (restricted) fund, 或者根据你的遗赠建立一个新的基金. 无论如何, 我们鼓励您与我们分享您的最后遗嘱条款,以确保您的意愿得到适当的遵循和认可.


是的. 按照固定数额的遗赠, you leave a specified sum of money in your estate (for example, $20,000美元)捐赠给基金会. 按百分比遗赠, you leave a specified ratio of your estate (for example, 10%的财产)捐给基金会. 根据遗赠, 您将未分配给其他受益人的遗产部分留给基金会. 您也可以将这些形式混合在一起. 例如, you could establish a series of fixed amount bequests in your will, followed by a series of remainder percentage bequests.

You can make bequests to the general (unrestricted) fund, or to a special fund that you establish during your lifetime or through your bequest. 你和你的律师可以回顾我们的 遗赠的示例语言 开始吧.


An endowment fund consists of assets that are held in perpetuity – literally, 永远——而且只有收入, 或者收入的一部分, 从基金中被花掉. 捐赠基金通常是由捐赠者创建的,他们希望确保对自己喜欢的事业或项目的长期支持. 你可以建立一个 捐赠基金 在你的一生中,或者通过遗赠.

Does the GCC基金会 have a “general 目的” endowment fund?

是的. 迈克尔·J. 赖安未来基金是一个捐赠基金,为基金会计划提供一般支持. Investment earnings from this fund benefit all 基金会 activities.

What are the advantages of making a gift of appreciated stock?

By making a gift of stock that has appreciated (or increased) in value, 你可以避免缴纳资本利得税(通常最高税率为持有超过一年的证券增值的15%). You also receive a tax deduction for the full market value of the stock.

例如, let’s say you originally bought stock in ABC Corp. 以4000美元的价格.  现在它值2万美元. 如果你自己卖掉股票, 你可能会付2美元,400美元的资本利得税(16美元的15%),000年升值). 如果你捐赠这些股票,你不用缴纳资本利得税——而且你还能获得2万美元的税收减免. To calculate what your deduction is worth in actual tax savings, multiply the market value of the stock you plan to donate by your marginal tax rate. 例如, if your marginal tax rate is 30% and you’re making a gift stock worth $10,000, 你可以扣除10美元,000, 你的现金“储蓄”将是3美元,000.

Are there advantages to donating stock that has depreciated, or declined, in value?

Usually the best thing to do here is sell the stock yourself and donate the proceeds. 结果是你会产生资本损失, 你可以用它来抵扣你从出售增值股票中获得的一些资本收益.

我听说把价值很高的股票作为礼物并获得终身收入是可能的. 这是真的吗??

在很多情况下,是的. 你可能会考虑慈善礼物年金或慈善剩余信托. What happens here is that your gift of stock funds the annuity or trust, which in turn provides you with income for life or for some other fixed period. (这些工具只能为其他人提供收入,比如你去世的配偶). You also receive a tax deduction for part of the gift, based on IRS actuarial tables; generally, the older you are when you set up the annuity or trust, 你的扣除额就越大.

在某些情况下,例如, 当股票的升值幅度非常大,或者当你在相对年轻的时候设立年金或信托时,购买财富替代保险可能是值得的, possibly from a portion of the annuity or trust income you receive. 这种保险可以在你死后替换你捐赠的部分或全部资产, 让你有机会做出一份精彩的慈善礼物,给你的继承人留下大量资产.

You can easily create a charitable gift annuity with one simple document. 慈善提醒信托, 另一方面, 要复杂得多, and usually requires guidance from your attorney and financial adviser.


  • Each year, the College requests 基金会 support for various 奖学金项目 以及其他举措. The 基金会 carefully reviews the request in light of available resources. Three 基金会 committees are involved here: the Stewardship Committee considers the request in light of the College’s and 基金会’s priorities; the Finance Committee examines the availability of funds and the fiscal implications of the grant; and the Campaign and Fund Development Committee determines whether it’s possible to raise the funds necessary to meet upcoming grant obligations. The 董事会 makes final grant allocations each spring.
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